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Can I Get Car Insurance with a Foreign Driver's License?
If you have been planning to move to the U.S. and are wondering whether you can get car insurance in the United States with your home country's driver’s license, you’re not alone. Thousands of visitors, immigrants, and temporary residents face this question. The happy news is that getting car insurance with a foreign license is possible.
Can I Get Insurance for Someone Who Borrows My Car?
If you’re wondering whether you can get insurance for someone who borrows your car, the answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. However, in most cases, your car insurance policy will extend to anyone who has your permission to drive your vehicle. This means they would be covered under your liability insurance if there’s an accident. But this coverage might not apply to every type of car insurance policy or situation.
Top 11 Car Museums in Michigan You Must Visit
Michigan is the core of America's automotive history and home to some of the country’s most amazing car museums. In fact, Michigan has the highest number of car museums in the United States (16). California and North Carolina are in second place, with each having 15 automobile museums.